Encore Education Centre
Registration opens Feb. 3
Information & registration – 613-937-1525
Payment: cheque, credit card (Visa, Mastercard)
You can print the registration form to record your choices by printing this pdf found here.
You can also register without the form if you wish by simply calling the office (613) 937-1525, or you can send us message here.
**Note: You do not have to be a member to take a course.
Please note that all information, material and advice provided and any views expressed by Encore course presenter(s) during Encore sessions are solely and exclusively those of the course presenter(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Encore Education Centre.
We will discuss all the wars that took place in the Post WWII period until now. The various enemies and the accords that were respected and the ones that were not. The first part of this course will be about the creation of Israel by a United Nations vote in 1947. The second part will deal with the conflict in Ukraine from its beginning until now, the dilemma it creates for the European Union, and the enigma of Donald Trump.
Michel Billette
Tuesdays, 9:30 to 11:30 am, Feb. 18-March 1
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
A course for ordinary people who wish to write their life stories as a gift to their children and grandchildren. Our aim is not to correct spelling and grammar. We merely want writers to tell and write their stories if they so wish. Join us for a ride and share in a wonderful journey of writing. The group is there to encourage and facilitate writing in a friendly atmosphere
Mary Thibeault
Wednesdays, 9:30 to 11:30 am, Feb. 19-April 9
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
Cost: $80 (8 sessions)
The legend of the Holy Grail is among the most enduring in western European literature and art. The Grail was the Holy Cup from which Christ and the disciples drank at the Last Supper. It re-emerged as an important motif in Arthurian romance as a cup possessing miraculous powers to bestow happiness, endless nourishment, and eternal youth. From ancient legends to contemporary movies, the Holy Grail has been an object of mystery and fascination for centuries. The Grail legend has extended from the mediaeval romances of Chrétien de Troyes on Perceval and Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur through Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s Idylls of the King, to the more recent cinematic renditions, Excalibur, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and The DaVinci Code – indeed, from the sublime to the ridiculous. The search for the Cup of Christ is the quest for the Divine in all of us. And the reality of the Holy Chalice is no less fascinating!
Murray Barkley
Wednesdays, 1:30 to 3:30 pm, Feb. 19 & 26
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
Cost: $30 (2 sessions)
This course will continue our coverage of the key elements of successful bridge, i.e., hand evaluation, bidding, leading and the play or defense of the hand, as well as some of the most commonly used conventions. The only prerequisite is some knowledge of bridge and a desire to learn more.
Louise Jarrold
Thursdays, 1:00 to 3:30 pm, Feb. 20-March 13
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
Cost: $55 (4 sessions)
The River Institute is a leader in environmental research and provides new knowledge, education, technical services and community outreach to improve the health of the St. Lawrence River and other freshwater ecosystems. Learn about the River Institute, with special case studies that highlight new initiatives, such as the St. Lawrence River Strategy, and about indicators of ecosystem health through the work of the Great River Rapport. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions about the river and test their knowledge on species identification, such as aquatic macroinvertebrates and fish.
Emilie DeRochie, Med
Monday, Feb. 24, 9:30 to 11:30 am
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
Cost: $20
This session will provide a general overview of aircraft and airports. The intent is not to delve into the intricacies of aviation, but instead to give participants a basic idea of aircraft navigation – and it’s simpler than you’d think. Perhaps you see certain things around an airport and wonder – hmmm, what is that? Here’s a chance to find some answers to those questions
Mike McAnany
Monday, Feb. 24, 1:30 to 3:30 pm
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
So said the “Lonely Planet Guidebook” in the late 90s. This is the story of its metamorphosis to the butterfly it is today. Back then, why was Cornwall so successful as an industrial town? And now, why did the industries die out? Topics: United Empire Loyalist arrival, Cornwall Canal, Dry Dock, Water Power, Street Railway, Thomas Edison, Electricity, Cornwall Electric, Logistics.
Wes Libbey
Tuesday, Feb. 25, 1:30 to 3:00 pm
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
More than 90% of our planet’s fresh water is located on the continent of Antarctica in the form of ice. Yet, Antarctica is an icy desert, the driest of the seven continents. Several thousand people work on this harsh and inhospitable continent during the Austral summers in support of scientific research. As a Canadian, I was fortunate enough to spend two Austral summers in Antarctica while working for the United States Antarctic Program from 1999 to 2001. Come along with me as I share some of my photos, artifacts, and experiences of living and working in Antarctica.
Brian Power
Thursday, Feb. 27, 9:30 to 11:30 am
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
For many maintaining independence also means staying in our own home for as long as possible and doing my own thing. As we get older, we may wonder: “Can I?”. For most of us, with careful planning, it is entirely possible. This session will look at the things we must consider; the risks and ways to mitigate those risks in order to maximize our potential and to achieve our goals. If you are capable of insight, adaptation (willingness!) and have a sense of humor then you already possess the essential tools for both aging successfully and IN PLACE.
Terri Hill
Monday, March 3, 1:30 to 3:30 pm
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
Embark on a captivating journey into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with our interactive talk designed to demystify this new cutting-edge technology. This talk will explore the fundamentals of AI, its real-world applications, ethical implications and its potential to revolutionize industries. Participants will dive into hands-on activities that showcase AI in action, from image recognition to natural language processing. Through demonstrations, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of how AI algorithms learn and make decisions. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of AI and discover how this transformative technology is shaping your experience today and in the future.
Winton Cape
Tuesday, March 4, 1:30 to 3:30 pm
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
Cost: $20
We have all had to deal with conflict at one time or another in our lives. Most of us don’t like it very much. But there are ways to build skill sets to better manage stressful conflict situations, whether at work, in the community, or within your family unit. In this session we will build knowledge and skills about the importance of open, honest communication, working on becoming more assertive in our communications. Whether working towards conflict management or conflict resolution, the skills established here will have application in many aspects of your life.
Craig Smith, Mediator, Ontario Health At Home
Thursday, March 6, 9:30 to 11:30 am
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
Cornwall Fire Services will be providing a presentation on several topics relating to fire safety within buildings. We will review data related to fire incidents, speak to how fires occur, review fire safety equipment, fire safety best practices, and rights and responsibilities of landlords and renters. The presentation will include examples of basic fire protection equipment within homes and apartments.
Matthew Testa, CBCO, Fire Prevention Officer
Monday, March 10, 1:30 to 2:30 pm
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
In this two-part presentation on the rise and divergence of church denominations and Theological traditions, we will look at how Christianity unfolded into the form we see it now across history. In part 1 we will look at the period of the early church through to the medieval age, with the first boundary markers of Christianity being set and broken. In part 2 will cover everything from the Reformation in the 1500s and beyond.
Pastor Connor Longaphie
Tuesdays, 1:30 to 3:30, March 18 & 25
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
Cost: $30 (2 sessions)
The American Revolution led to the founding of not one, but two new nations on the North American Continent. The United States of America, of course, was founded on the basis of its military successes, helped along by the half-hearted efforts or outright incompetence of some British commanders, as well as the timely intervention of the armies and navies of France. The preservation of the northern colonies of British North America, eventually to form the other new nation – Canada, can in large measure be similarly traced to military successes – this time through the part played during the Revolutionary War mainly by the Loyalist units based in the Northern Theatre – principally the Royal Highland Emigrants, the King’s Royal Regiment of New York, Butler’s Rangers, and Jessup’s Loyal Rangers. Without their involvement, the United States might have extended all the way to the North Pole!
Murray Barkley
Wednesday, March 19, 1:30 to 3:30 pm
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
This is the story, based on his diary, of Archie Angus Robertson LAC (Leading Aircraft Mechanic) 421 Spitfire Squadron. The story follows his joining the RCAF in 1941; training at the Vickers aircraft plants in Montreal and Toronto. Sent overseas in Dec, 43; the diary then follows his experiences from Normandy, through Belgium, Holland and Germany until the wars end May 8, 1945. It is supported by the use of a series of his own photos.
Mackie Robertson
Monday, March 24, 1:30 to 3:30 pm
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
The energy state (E-state) you live your life from determines the results you get in your health, relationships, finances and hobbies. The E-state also determines the thoughts you think and the feelings you feel. Many seniors are left feeling frustrated, stuck and unfulfilled at the exact time in their lives that they should be experiencing wisdom, gratitude and vitality. You will learn efficient and practical ways to claim energy richness in all areas of life regardless of age or circumstance.
Dr. Thorin Gault, Barbara McIntosh
Tuesday, April 1, 9:30 to 11:30 am
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
Anyone who has ever been named an estate executor will likely tell you it is an honour to be entrusted with the role. But, an executor faces many duties and responsibilities. It can be a complicated undertaking to settle an estate according to the deceased’s wishes – one that can seem overwhelming when you’re also grieving. Whether you’re asking someone to be an executor, or whether you yourself are being asked to take on the job, it’s important that you understand the time, effort and expertise required to do the job effectively.
Crystal MacLennan, Tara-Lynn Quesnel-Paul, RBC Estate and Trust Services
Tuesday, April 1, 1:30 to 3:30 pm
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
This course will provide participants with an introduction to the discipline of archaeology—namely, its research interests, objectives and methods—using examples from our presenter’s experience in excavating prehistoric archaeological sites in Eastern Europe. Brent Whitford, prehistoric archaeologist and Senior Curator at the Cornwall Community Museum, will share a glimpse of what its like to uncover the stories of human societies that existed before any form of writing or historic record.
Brent Whitford
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
The present government talked about reforming our electoral system. It has not been done. Let’s discuss the various types of systems, their pros and cons and let us, as citizens, make a decision. We could even send our decision to our elected representatives if you want to. Elaine Kennedy wants you to bring your inquisitiveness or knowledge to this session.
Elaine Kennedy
Tuesday, April 8, 2:00 to 4:00 pm
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
Only two words – Peace and Freedom… This session is an important and careful attempt to report on what goes on in the head and the life of a displaced Ukrainian person, told by that same displaced person. Topics covered will include comparisons of life in Ukraine before 2014, upto 2022 and then how dangerous it became living there after Russia started its full-scale invasion. Discussion will also include problems getting to Canada and adjusting to a new life in a new country, including adapting to a different language and culture, finding employment, and so on. Questions will also be welcome.
Kateryna Shumova
Monday, April 14, 1:30 to 3:30 pm
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
This presentation will explore how the Royal Proclamation of 1763 shaped population flows and the course of settlement in our region through the latter half of the eighteenth century. Current political concerns, however—driven by Native land claims—have drastically reshaped the traditional narrative by overlooking key parts of this decree and through adoption of a flawed historical paradigm. Deeper appreciation of events between 1763 and 1784, as described in primary source documents, will allow attendees to determine if Eastern Ontario is really on unceded territory as many now assert.
Presenter: Alexander Campbell
Tuesday, April 15, 1:30 to 3:30 pm
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth St East
Cost: $20
Graeme Roy, Board Vice-president/Telegraph Operator (Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario) will cover the following topics. *His childhood as the son of a railroad telegrapher,
*CNR railway stations between Cornwall and Brockville,
*the importance of Morse Code in the development of the Canadian railway experience,
*a comparison of American and International Codes…learning the Code,
*demonstrations of various types of telegraph equipment,
*the purpose and application of train order operation,
*the duties of a Telegrapher/Agent…..the railway station as a social/community hub,
*signaling and The Rulebook,*railroad timepieces, *railway telegraph: a personal perspective.
He will conclude with a PowerPoint including his volunteer telegraph work at three local railway stations
Graeme Roy
Wednesday, April 30, 1:30 to 3:30 pm
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth Street East
Come and examine life in Cooper Marsh as Spring time blooms and migratory birds and other animals start to become active for the Summer season. Bring your binoculars and/or camera and take a slow walk in nature. You may also wish to bring a lunch to picnic after the tour. Participants are advised to wear walking or hiking shoes. We will meet at the Visitor Centre, on the terrace. If you arrive early you may want to visit the Visitor Centre which has some interesting displays.
Mike Chegrinec
Thursday, May, 15,1:30 to 3:30 pm
Encore Education Centre, 800 Twelfth St East
Cost: $20
During this course, we will present an overview of the Android operating system – the brain of your cell phone. We will discuss applications (apps) and demonstrate how to download and safely use them. We will show you the many uses of your device’s camera and how to organize your photos. You’ll learn to create a contact list and how to make / receive phone calls and messages. We will also discuss specific issues and concerns students might have. The subjects of our presentation are re-enforced with hand-outs.
Hans Schutz, Jack Seguin
Location: St. Lawrence Secondary School Library, 1450 Second St E, Cornwall
Dates tba (tentatively scheduled for early May)